trendymatt's Diaryland Diary


Water, water everywhere...

Proof that, in the words of Prince, "maybe I'm just like my mother, she's never satisfied":

I have been beating the dead "I'm so single" horse so badly and for so long that it's starting to smell. My friends have heard about it at length. My coworkers have also been subjected to my complaints. And recently, Mom has received an ear full on the subject.

Finally, I have thrust myself into social situations around town where I'm surrounded by available guys. Even more amazingly, there are a few who seem like they enjoy my company as well. Two in particular are definitely in the running for my affections.

The first is probably one of the most attractive human beings I have ever seen outside of the television screen. He's about six foot three, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, typically Scandinavian features... he could be the Swedish poster child. The kid has incredible fashion sense and the few times we've been able to talk, we have kept each other in absolute stitches. He's also relatively new to town, so my "hospitality coordinator" persona gets kicked into hyper drive with him.

The second is one of the most all-around nice guys I've ever met. Attractive more in the "boy next door" realm (which honestly, I fall for much more readily than "pretty" guys), he's incredibly intelligent, a little reserved, but has the ability to hold my complete attention in even the most casual of conversations. Conversely, he has this way of looking at you when you're talking to him that makes you feel like you're the only person in the room. Not to mention, he has a killer smile, the kind that renders me temporarily paralyzed.

So, here I am with two potential people I could ask out who would most likely at least go out on a date with me. Am I taking advantage of the opportunity? Am I making a move? Of course not, and I'm not entirely sure why.

One thing's for sure. If I don't do something and both opportunities fly out the window before I get the nerve, I will be kicking myself for a long time to come. It's time I gave myself a good, stiff dose of self esteem.

4:25 am - 10.12.03


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