trendymatt's Diaryland Diary


\"This is random diary entry good.\"

It's been a strangely random week thus far. In honor of that, I present a strangely random list of stuff that's been going on recently.

  • I started watching The L-Word with Lyss and my newfound Lesbian Girlfriend. It's a great show, but I'm horribly distracted whenever I watch it. No, I am NOT hypnotized by the abundance of gratuitous boob sightings. It's just that one of the main characters is played by Leisha Hailey. Does the name ring a bell? It didn't to me, either, because before that she was known to me as the Yoplait Yogurt Girl. You know the one.

    "This is weekend in the tropics good."
    "This is shoe shopping good."

    So, whenever she's on screen I have the overwhelming urge to shout out one of her famous yogurt catch phrases.

    "This is day at the spa good."

    I don't think my viewing partners were impressed.

  • The drag queen who lives downstairs from me has been practicing his/her (I'm still unsure of the proper etiquette in terms of pronoun usage with the drag folk. Please bear with me on this one) routine until the wee hours. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't involve blasting the same damned Mariah Carey song on constant repeat for two or three hours at a time. I tried to go to sleep on Monday night, but until about 1:00 am, it sounded like somebody was strangling a dolphin down there. I'm sorry, that's the only way I can properly characterize Mariah's voice.

    Of course, "strangling the dolphin" almost sounds like a pretty convincing euphemism for masturbation, no?

  • The aforementioned Lesbian Girlfriend refers to me as Spicy Lover Duck. It's even my phone book entry on her cell phone. That makes me smile.

  • I'm heading out to lunch in about ten minutes with Matt. Oh, did I mention? The guy I'm dating has the same first name as me. That's either really cool or extremely narcissistic. I'm reminded of the next-door neighbors in American Beauty:

    "That's my neighbor, Jim. And that's his partner, Jim."

  • The weather is hopelessly schizophrenic right now. On Monday, school was called off because of the ice, but it was fifty degrees by the afternoon. I washed my car and everything. Right now, it's fifteen degrees outside. On any given morning, I don't know whether to put on my shorts or a parka.

    That is all. I'm hungry now.

    11:50 am - 01.28.04


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