trendymatt's Diaryland Diary


A little of this, a little of that

Man, I haven't written in this thing in forever! So, what's been going on in the last two weeks...

  • I took the horrid standardized graduate school entrance exam and performed slightly better than mediocre. If I was applying to grad school other than a state school I'd have freaked out. I mean, I was done in two hours. My testing session was scheduled for four hours. Hot damn. The best part? I got my prep software from them in the mail today. I think it really is best to study for an exam two weeks after you take it, don't you?
  • The car was packed for my road trip to Chicago to visit Will and Shelley before I left for the exam, so I was in the Windy City a swift five hours later. The visit was great - the requisite gay boy pilgrimage to Ikea, a couple hours of solitary wandering around the Lakeside area, using public transportation for the first time, getting absolutely tanked on cheap cabernet with Shelley and demanding that Will go with us for Mexican food afterward - it was an awesome visit. Plus, it was great to see Will and Shelley doing well in the big city, even if the cold/flu seems to have taken permanent residence in their apartment. Also, I would drive to Chicago just for a cinnamon roll from Ann Sather. Jeeeeeeesus.
  • Boyfriend update: he's still around and I'm loving every minute of it. This coming Friday marks a major rite of passage: the formal introduction to Mom. They've talked on the phone a few times already and they both seem impressed wtih each other. It's going to be weird/cool to see them interact over dinner at Ramsey's.
  • Speaking of the Toddster, Valentine's Day was great. We had a grand plan that involved me heading over to his house after work, a joint outing to buy groceries, and cooking a romantic meal together. So, umm, we didn't actually get around to the food part. *Sheepish grin* We'll just say that I'm holding to my assertion earlier in the week when I declared to my coworkers that I was giving up abstinence for lent.
  • I completed my online application for grad school tonight. All I need to do is mail in my check for the application fee, contact my references this week to make sure they'll be willing to vouch that I'm not a serial killer, and call my previous schools for transcripts. Every step I take closer to doing this grad school thing makes me more nervous, but not necessarily in a bad way. I took a day off last week to visit campus and get some information on assistantships and such. In the course of the day I ended up in the department chair's office for about an hour talking about the program. Imagine that - faculty who actually seem to care about their students!
  • The coolest thing about quitting work and starting grad school full time (pending acceptance, of course) is that I figured out that I will have roughly a month's worth of vacation time built up by July. If and when I get my acceptance letter, I'm giving the boss my notice that I'm officially quitting the first week in August, and requesting the month of July off. I'm already seeing visions of days spent at the apartment complex hot tub with a six pack of Bud longnecks. That would be so pimp.

Toss in the usual gripes about work (a 1:00 a.m. conference call to Ethiopia next week? WHAT???) and general twentysomething annoyances (90 bucks to get me through next payday after I got paid four days ago? WHAT???) and you've got my life in the last few weeks. It ain't the stuff of Hollywood movies, but I'm not complaining.

11:14 pm - 02.15.05


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