trendymatt's Diaryland Diary


Stackers and Clearers

I've been building this theory on personalities for a while. While it may sound overly simplistic, I think it does an efficient job of explaining why some people act and think the way they do. So, without further ado, I present...

Matt's Tetris/Personality Theory

1. People can be separated into two personality types, depending upon their strategy on playing the classic Nintendo game, Tetris.

2. Members of Group A are known as "Stackers." Stackers will build up their pieces, sacrificing numerous opportunities to clear away one or two lines at a time while waiting for one of the glorious long, straight pieces to come down, thus ensuring that they will clear out four lines at the same time, known as a "tetris."

3. Members of Group B are known as "Clearers." Clearers will seek out every opportunity to clear away lines as efficiently as possibly, thereby ensuring that they will have more space to maneuver new pieces as they come down.

4. A stacker's game generally won't last as long as a clearer's game, but the stacker's score will usually be higher.

5. Stackers tend to be people who wait longer and have a methodical process for decision making in their everyday life. They also tend to think in the long-term, sometimes sacrificing immediate comfort to reap a more fruitful award in the future.

6. Clearers tend to think more impulsively and react to obstacles as they happen. They tend to react to situations in a way that will benefit them immediately.

7. While stackers and clearers can coexist harmoniously in a relationship as a balancing force for one another, putting the two together in a round of Tetris only results in a string of name-calling and frustrations.

Some people go out on a Friday night. Others stay at home and come up with social psychology theories related to video games. I should probably go to bed now.

p.s., in case you're wondering, I'm a total stacker

12:08 am - 09.20.03


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